So why did we call this one"adventure"? Because we had a great adventure capturing the shot? In fact no. The shot was taken from private property in the Bay of Fires region of Tasmania. This region was apparently named as much by Captain Tobias Furneaux in 1773 when he saw the fires of the aboriginal people from his boat. The name of the boat? "Adventure". Our 'boat' went on less of an adventure, the drone was only in the air for about 5 minutes very early before any locals arose. Coincidentally the area was popular for whaling back in the 1840's and is still populated by whales moving up and down the coast as they move North for breeding and then South again to return to their feeding grounds. This shot captures the beautiful morning light on the dark blue of the water contrasted by the beautiful oranges and reds of the lichen on the rocks. [The name and white border will appear as part of the final print, however the website watermark will not appear.] Poster Rails are available for this product.